Narre Warren North Flowers

Are you looking for a florist to deliver a gift to Heart 2 Heart Florist today? Heart 2 Heart Florist is open seven days a week and offers same-day delivery if ordered before 2 pm.

Colour Rose Bouquet
Colour Rose Bouquet
Cottage Charm
Cottage Charm
Elegant Bouquet
Elegant Bouquet
Pretty Please
Pretty Please
Bright Infusion
Bright Infusion
Elegant Rose Hatbox
Elegant Rose Hatbox
Hatbox Flowers
Hatbox Flowers
Dozen Roses in a Box
Dozen Roses in a Box
Pretty vase posy
Pretty vase posy
Rose Heart Spray
Rose Heart Spray
Oriental Lilly
Oriental Lilly
Hatbox Elegance
Hatbox Elegance
Be Mine
Be Mine
Hot Pink Twist
Hot Pink Twist

Narre Warren North Florist

Welcome to Heart 2 Heart Florist; we are a family-run business delivering flowers to Narre Warren North and the Melbourne metro area.

Your Local Narre Warren North Florist

We are located conveniently opposite the Springvale Necropolis Botanical Cemetery and offer an extensive range of funeral and sympathy flowers.

We offer an extensive range of affordable flowers, meaning 100% of your value spent will go towards your flower order.

We provide an easy-to-use and friendly service through our website, over the telephone or in-store.

We offer seven-day-a-week flower and gift deliveries. However, there may be some restrictions for Narre Warren North flower deliveries on the weekends.

Order online or call us now to discuss your needs: 61 3 9540 3657

About Narre Warren North

Narre Warren, a suburb of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia is about 40 km south-east of central Melbourne and 5 km north of Narre Warren.

History of Narre Warren North

The area west of Narre Warren North, today referred to as the Dandenong Police Paddocks, was first given a variation of the name Narre Warren.

When a town was surveyed there in the 1870s, it was given the name Narre Warren since the area to the east of the government reserve had been chosen for smaller farms.

A Methodist chapel that served as a school and an Anglican church were the first structures constructed in the settlement.

Tourist Attractions in Narre Warren North

Narre Warren North is home to many parks and reserves that provide a variety of fantastic amenities. These include Kolora Park Oval Fenced Dog Park, Jack Thompson Reserve, and Narre Warren North Reserve.

The Kurll Park Reserve is another huge reserve with picnic areas and a beautiful overlook. The park has plenty of open space for walking your dog while taking in the sights, several picnic tables near gum trees, and plenty of bushland.

The park`s walking path and 1,000 steps in Ferntree Gully served as inspiration for 1001 Steps Bayview Park. It offers fantastic scenery, a wonderful workout, and is dog-friendly. Built with precisely 1,001 steps and intended for people of all fitness levels.

School and Sports in Narre Warren North

The Narre Warren North is home to Mary Mackillop Primary School, a catholic primary school on Ernst Wanke Road, as well as Narre Warren North Primary School. Students who are in secondary school typically attend schools in the nearby communities of Endeavour Hills, Berwick, or Narre Warren.

Berwick City Soccer Club, one of the local sports teams, plays their home matches at Jack Thomas Reserve.